
Dies ist eine kostenlose Homepage erstellt mit hPage.com.


The discography here is not a detailed discography but a listing of what is known of recordings and broadcasts of Irmgard Seefried.

And it is a opportunity to come in contact with other Seefried collectors and connaisseurs of opera and singing.

If you need the order numbers of LPs and CDs you can go to the magazine "Stimmen, die um die Welt gingen" Heft Nr. 33 Sept. 1991 and Heft Nr. 38 Dez. 1992.


Discography Excel file:


Stand: 09.10.2019


Is there a trace of the 1949 Lucerne recording of Die Schöpfung with Furtwängler?


Are there recordings of the many recitals that Irmgard Seefried sang in the USA?


Is there a trace of the Novikova tapes of singing lessons with Seefried, London, Gedda and others?
















Dies ist eine kostenlose Homepage erstellt mit hPage.com.